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Walking Home 2022: Welcome

Ohio to Tennessee 2022

During my twenties, I utilized walking to cope with uncertainty and travel inexpensively. Now, in my thirties I would like to revisit the idea of walking while adding concepts I have been investigating while obtaining my undergraduate degree. 

During 2022 I will be walking from Cincinnati, OH to Memphis, TN. This journey to my childhood home will span Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee for a total of 470 miles in 23 days. I have mapped a route, began the necessary physical training, became a certified pedestrian, and interviewed multiple artists that utilize walking in their practice. 

This time will allow me to investigate the concept of home through identity and collection. Throughout the walk, I plan to stay in the homes of friends, family, and strangers. These intimate spaces will allow me to investigate the concept of home and begin to understand how others navigate this word that seems to encompass a theory, place, and feeling all at once. 

Walking Home 2022: About


Nearly 500 miles walking, with 500+ Interviews

Krista Sheneman has been featured in 500+ media sources during her artist walk "Walking Home."

Check out the Good Morning America clip above to see clips of Krista's Walk Home!

Walking Home 2022: Text
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